
1. Real time sample running in our web server

2. Example test on the Server Side using ASP

3. Example using it on Visual Basic

4. Example using it with the CGI-BIN module

Example list for the IIS in HTML with ASP language

<TITLE>Scripting Web Page</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso8859-1">
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex">





' Create the object, previously installed on the server

set CB = server.createobject("easyBarCode.aspBarCode")
CB.Display = 2
CB.TypeBar = 5
CB.Text = "937524594"
FileName = CB.Draw
response.Write "Generate Temp = " & FileName & "<br>"

CB.Display = 2
CB.TypeBar = 2
CB.Text = "937524594"
CB.DrawToFile "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\barcode.gif"
response.Write "Draw Height =" & CB.Height & "<br>"
response.Write "Draw Width =" & CB.Width & "<br>"


<p>Draw functions return: <br>
<img src="<%=FileName %>">

<p>DrawToFile functions return: <br>
<img src="barcode.gif">

<p>DrawToFile functions with size image return: <br>
<img src="barcode.gif" width="50" height="100">


Example using VB

Dim CB As New EasyBarCode.aspBarCode

CB.Display = 2
CB.TypeBar = 2
CB.Text = "012344567"
File = CB.Draw
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(File)

Example using CGI-BIN

    <img src="\cgi-bin\easybarcode.exe?text=01234567&TypeBar=2&Display=2">